How to Buy Jade Gemstones
A Complete Buying Guide on Authentic Grade A Jade
If you are planning on buying jade Jewelry or or a jade charm for good luck, you will be interested to know how to differentiate it from other gemstones of the same color, and texture. In this article we we’ll explain everything you need to know know about Jade and methods to distinguish it from other gemstones. In addition, you will know how to differentiate between two types of Jade:
Nephrite and Jadeite.If you are planning on buying jade Jewelry or or a jade charm for good luck, you will be interested to know how to differentiate it from other gemstones of the same color, and texture. In this article we we’ll explain everything you need to know know about Jade and methods to distinguish it from other gemstones. In addition, you will know how to differentiate between two types of Jade: Nephrite and Jadeite.
Other green gemstones that looks like Jade:
There are many greenish gemstones with shades similar to those of jade, such as Amazonite, Aventurine, Chrysoprase and certain types of Serpentine stones, such as Bowenite. It’s very easy to mistake them for Jade, for that reason, it is important that to know how to distinguish them and make the right choice.
Visiting reputable Jade Jewelry Stores such as Helen Grade A Jade will assure you that the gemstone you are going to buy is authentic jade.
How to distinguish Jade from other gemstones?
Examination in strong light:
Examination with strong light:One of the ways to prove what you have is real Jade is to examine it with a strong light source. If you find variations in the surface and texture, fibers and a crack, you most likely have authentic Jade in your hands.
The temperature test
The authentic jade slowly heats up and cools quickly. If you heat the jade between your hands and let it go for 30 seconds, when you touch it again it will be totally cold.
Examine under the magnifying glass
Nephrite and jadeite have a crystalline structure that can be observed with a magnifying glass.
See if there is wear
The hardness of the jade prevents it from scratching and chafing due to wear. If the stone has wear and tear in its structure, then it’s not authentic Jade.
Brightness and degree of transparency
Jade is somewhat translucent at the edges if it’s very thin. Also, in contrast to other gemstones, it has an unmistakable vitreous shine.
THE COLOR of jadeite jade and nephrite jade
Despite being two varieties of jade, nephrite and jadeite are different. Both gemstones share certain shades of green, although jadeite has a superior variety of colors.
Colors of Jadeite Jade
The nephrite is green, yellowish, whitish or red. On the other hand, the variety of colors of jadeite is much higher, with shades such as green, yellow, orange, blue, lilac, black and white.
Some varieties of jadeite, such as the jadeite of the so-called “Imperial Green Jade”, are very rare and is of great value.
What differentiate nephrite and jadeite Jade?
Its hardnessIf the hardness of the gemstones in the Mohs scale is compared, the Jadeite is of a hardness of 7 to 7.5, while the nephrite has a lower density: from 6 to 6.5.
• The fibrous structureUnder the microscope it can be verified that the jadeite is formed by a thicker granulate than the nephrite. That is the cause of the greater hardness of the jadeite.
In jade you’ll find frequent fibers, small spots and some vein:
• The bright surfaceBy having a finer granulate, the surface of the jadeite is brighter than that of nephrite.
• The priceJadeite is a rare gemstone, which is why it is more expensive. If the price of jade is cheap, this means you are seeing a Nephrite.
Beaware of dyed JadeDue to the demand of certain jade shades of intense green, nowadays the dyeing and bleaching treatment is used. These artificial processes affect the structure of the stone causing it to break or fade over the years.
HOW TO BUY authentic jade online at a good price
Nowadays, you have jewelry professionals and specialized or Jade gemstone where you can buy authentic jade. Most of these establishments have a website through which they sell their jade objects from anywhere in the world.